U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate Andy McKaskle [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons CC BY-PD 1.0
Your photographs can be extremely valuable to the CHECKLIST PROJECT by confirming the presence of the shark and ray species in each country. You may have a photo that could re-describe an existing species or perhaps even document the discovery of new species!
Your photos can also help us separate the different species of blue spot lagoon rays, and collect new data on poorly studied eagle rays. If you have photos of blue spot lagoon rays from Australia and Melanesia, or photos for the eagle ray project, we want to hear from you!
Diving photographers can help scientists to fully describe the shark and ray biodiversity of the Indo-Pacific by following three simple steps . . .
1) Check the photos for your country or territory
(BUT if you're sending us photos for a specific project like the blue spot ray project, go straight to step 2)
If the species you photographed does NOT appear in the page for the country/territory where you took the photo, your photo could help us confirm the presence of that species, so please send us the photo for inclusion in the database (go to step 2).
If the species you photographed has already been listed, we may not include your photograph on the website, but please do send us the photograph so we can add a record of where the species has been seen in each country/territory (go to step 2)
However, if the species you photographed has already been listed from your country AND from the same location, we may not need that photograph. But we encourage you to stay in touch and keep involved by following our social media twitter account.
If the photo is of a blue spotted lagoon ray, a porcupine ray, or one of the less well-known eagle rays, please send us the photo for these projects (go to step 2).
2) Confirm that you agree to the following Terms of Use for supplied images
By sending SharkSearch Indo-Pacific a Photograph(s), you (the Photographer) agrees to the following:
The Photographer provides Shark Search Indo-Pacific an unrestricted, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the Photograph on the Shark Search Indo-Pacific website and social media, and any scientific documents, reports and/or publications that arise from the Shark Search Indo-Pacific project. This includes uploading the photograph to the global citizen science database iNaturalist
This licence is an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) licence as defined by Creative Commons (click here for more details of this licence).
As defined by this license, Shark Search Indo-Pacific will acknowledge the Photographer in any use of the Photograph, will not use the image for commercial profit, and will not edit or alter the image except to add an attribution to the Photographer to the image.
All other use and/or alterations to the Photograph will only be carried out with the written permission of the Photographer.
3) Submit your photograph to Shark Search
Attach the photograph to an e-mail and send it to
Ensure that you include the (1) DATE the photograph was taken, (2) the LOCATION (country, region, dive site - latitude and longitude would be great if you have it), and (3) any accompanying NOTES on behavior, time of day etc. Remember that by submitting a photograph, you agree to Terms of Use for supplied images above.
ALTERNATIVELY - join the global Citizen Science community of the iNaturalist Project and submit your photo directly via the website Your photo will automatically be added to the Shark Search Indo-Pacific project.