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Kiribati - Country Statistics
Land area*: 811 squared km
Population* (2021): 113,001
Population Growth* (2021): 1.05%
Visitors** (2016):
Marine area (EEZ)***: 1,645,373 squared km
Population density** (2016): 139.33 persons/squared km land
Urban population* (2020): 55.6%
GDP** (2016): USD (2019) $ 10.635 billion
* CIA World Factbook
** World Bank
*** Sea Around Us
Research student: Ms Sanna Persson (James Cook University) - 2018
In-country partners:
Akkarina Rimon (Deputy Secretary Foreign Affiars, Kiribati)
Checklist of Kiribati sharks and rays
Current number of shark species
Current number of ray species
Current number of chimaera species
Kiribati shark and ray photos
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