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Checklist planned for 2020
French Polynesia - Country Statistics
Land area*: 32,260 squared km
Population* (2021): 23,572,052
Population Growth* (2021): 0.04%
Marine area (EEZ)**: 1,148,485 squared km
Population density: 731 persons/squared km
Urban population* (2020): 78.9%
GDP*** (2016): USD $611.391 billion
* CIA World Factbook
** Sea Around Us
*** CIA World Facbook GDP (Official Exchange Rate)
Research student: (To Be advised)
In-country partners: Dr. Colin Wen [Tunghai University]
Checklist of Taiwan sharks and rays
Current number of shark species
Current number of ray species
Current number of chimaera species
Taiwan shark and ray photos
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